
Scent of Home

September is finally here.  I am sad to say good bye to the beautiful summer days.  The girls and I spent a lot of summer evening just lying on the grass, staring up at the blue sky and breathing in the fresh summer air.  We could spend hours doing just that.  The intoxicating scent from mixture of flowers and fresh cut grass always make me feel nostalgic.  It makes me think of hot sweaty summer nights when as a child I would run barefoot through the grass chasing after fireflies.  I can still remember the feeling of cool moist grass underneath my feet and the salty taste of sweat dripping down my face. Once in awhile at night, I would smell that exact scent breezing through the window.  It brings such pure happiness to my heart.  I always thought to myself how I would love to put that scent and feelings into a bottle until I found out Annie Sloan actually did just that.  A few months ago, Annie Sloan Unfolded  reached out to me and asked if I would like to review Annie Sloan Fragrance Line.  I love anything and everything Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® has to offer.  Chalk Paint® really changed my life and every single piece of furniture I have painted was with Chalk Paint®.

Annie Sloan has created six beautiful and high quality fragrances and candles that "evoke a place and a time too, stirring memories, conjuring idyllic scenes and feelings."  My favorite one is called Antibes.  To me, it smells of home.  It smells of endless summer nights where the air is filled with fresh flowers and sweet green grass.

This painting depicts the true essence of Antibes.  Green grass as far as eyes can see.  Clear blue sky carries the whisper of warm summer breeze.  Isn't it the picture of perfect summer day?

I now keep the Antibes Reed Diffuser in my bedroom.  I don't have to wait for that summer breeze to enter through my window.  Everyday now is the perfect summer day.


Annie Sloan Unfolded sent me these products to review as part of their Blog Outreach Program.  All the opinions are my own.


  1. Its a beautiful summers ending over here Victoria,
    and the start of a new season with all the beauty you will be creating.

    I have given great thought to a passion for vintage golds, silvers of grey, and the aging of lace and velvets, don't be a bit surprised if something comes along that inspires my home to be a bit more trimmed in gold! You will then know it's because of your French boho style that nudged its way in my direction.
    Really quite exciting to see all you are creating here, be it a new piece, or just rearranging of what's old.

    Beautiful Autumn to you and your girls.


  2. It sounds like you and the girls had a wonderful summer! I lived in Canada from the age of 8 to 14 and have fond memories of the hot, humid summer evenings...we'd be covered in mosquito bites and didn't care!

    The Annie Sloan scents sound wonderful, will definitely have to check them out:)

  3. Ps. Forgot to mention, I am most certain the candle scent is divine, and coming from you and your love for her paints is testimony enough.


  4. Victoria,
    I enjoyed reading about your Summertime memories and being able to capture the essence of a fragrance memory is magical. As is all you create and inspire you bring romantic boho/French chic into all you share. Your review of the Fragrance line is enough for me to try it myself ... For in the winter when the snow is falling and winds are fierce the scent of Summertime will carry us through months of Winter.
    Wishing you a magical Autumn with your beautiful girls.

  5. I love the idea, Victoria! I had no idea about their fragrances, but I love their paint. Gorgeous photos as always!!! Enjoy your September with the girls. xoxoo

  6. I can almost smell it from your description. Lovely post! x

  7. Thank you Victoria, it was a great sale piece calling out to me and all my French ladies out there who so get this side of shabby euro-chic ! It was only $6.00 and well spent, it's has all the beauty of French farmhouse with age.

    What are you now up to!

    See you soon


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