
My Dream Bed

This past week has been a week of celebrations.  My baby Bella turned five and we celebrated everyday with a cupcake.  I mean I personally think we should celebrate everyday with a cupcake but that's just me.  We celebrated the beginning of our gardening season.  We weeded and planned out our new gardens.  For two weeks now I have been working on my new bed.  I have been dreaming of a fancy French bed for years but could never afford one.  About a month ago, I bought this bed from a flea market for $50.  Score!

She has the perfect shape and even painted beautifully...but it just wasn't me.  I knew she could be so much more.  I think by now you all know I love fancy things.  Life should be celebrated everyday and I try to make our home feels like it.  I used to think that I have to have a lot of money to have certain type of furniture but now I realized I can still create the type of home I want and still be in my small budget.  I just have to get creative!  I am sorry for the crazy amount of pictures I am going to show you.  I am just so excited!  Here she is now.

This bed wouldn't be what she is without appliques.  Ladies, I know I am late in the game but appliques are the game changers in this DIY world...especially for a Francophile like me.  The possibilities are endless.  A week after I bought my bed, Amy from Maison Decor asked if I could think of any projects that might need appliques.  She just started carrying Efex appliques at her amazing store.  I knew right away that my bed would be the perfect project for it.  Amy was kind enough to send me some appliques to try out.  I have used other kind of appliques in the past but most of them are not bendable.   Efex appliques are almost like rubber so I can bend it and cut it anyway I want.


 I painted them first with a coat of Chalk Paint® in Paris Grey and cut them into individual pieces.

I also painted the bed with a mix of Chalk Paint® in Paris Grey and Old White.  I taped the appliques to the bed to give me an idea of what I wanted.

This is the important part.  You have to use Cement Contact to adhere appliques to the bed.  Regular glue or liquid nails will not work.  I brushed the Cement Contact on both appliques and the bed and waited 20 minutes then pressed them together.

Sorry for this awful picture.  It was taken at one in the morning. The cement left some yellow residue but I just painted over it. I gilded the appliques then waxed the whole bed.  I used dark wax to bring out all the details.

A bed like this is all about the details.  By cutting the appliques into individual pieces, I was able to achieve the look I wanted.  It was like doing puzzle pieces.

My bedroom is almost done.  I really have no rules when it comes to decorating.  I just surround myself with things I love.

Abundant of flowers.

Books to inspire me.

A little romance.

my French chairs.  Both of these girls are getting reupholster but in the mean time, I keep them close by.

I think all this room really needs now is a vintage chandelier to bring a bit of magic.  I am still deciding between plank wall or panels.  I feel like I should wake up every morning with a crown and a glass of champagne, no?  Or would that just make me a delusional alcoholic?  I finally feel like I am home.  A home should be reflection of who you are and how you live your life.  Who am I is someone who loves life and feels so grateful to wake up every day.  And what better way to wake up and celebrate life than in this amazing bed?

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!  


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  1. Absolutely Gorgeous! What a great bed to wake up in every day!

    1. Thank you, Darrielle. I wish I have your motivation to get projects done.

  2. Oh my goodness, your bed makeover is phenomenal!!! When I first saw the pic I thought it was your inspiration of what you wanted it to look like...my jaw dropped when I realized it was the same bed!!! Stunning, hope it's okay if I pin it to my Pinterest board:)

    1. Thank you, Victoria. Of course it is ok. I have a pinterest addiction...every night instead of reading, I am pinning away.

  3. It's amazing, Victoria. It's gorgeous! You are so talented.

    1. Thank you, my dear. You inspired me to do the girls' bedroom next.

  4. Wow!! I also pin it to my pinterest board!! So much inspiration from you Victoria, thank you!!!

    1. Thank you, Maria. You inspired me with your most beautiful gardens. I look at it every day.

  5. Truly amazing and inspirational! yes you should have a crown, or at least a diamond tiara! Well done!

  6. WOW! That bed is Amazing! I have seen her appliques before...I should really try some!

    1. Cindy, it is amazing what you can do with appliques. I really am going to appliques the whole house.

  7. Really one of the most gorgeous beds that I've ever seen. I saw it on Amy's blog first and thought that I'd pop over and check it out. Wow! Duly impressed!

  8. Truly amazing. I always look forward to your transformations and you never disappoint!!!!!

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

    1. Mary, it means a lot coming from you. Thank you.

  9. You do some amazing transformations. So glad Amy sent you those to work magic with. Just stunning!

    1. Thank you, Kim! I wake up in the morning and always look at your blog.

  10. Your bed is gorgeous. You know how to beautify everything! Your bedroom looks like a Paris apartment. Enchanting. xxo

    1. Thank you, Kerri! My pink chair keeps disappearing and reappearing in the girls' room. They are very jealous of mommy's room.

  11. Oh my, your bed is spectacular, Victoria!! I'm loving your wonderful french touches that add so much beauty in your bedroom. You're amazing. It's such a delight to visit your home!
    Mary Alice

    1. Thank you so much, Mary Alice. I think we both have a thing for French chairs. I am border line becoming a hoarder. They bring such romance to a room, don't they?

  12. You. Go. Girl.
    I laughed out loud when you stated that the photo was taken at 1am. That's how I roll too!
    Not to get in Amy's way but I have two awesome sources for drop dead appliques if you are interested.

    You are going to want to marry me after you look at these sites! LOL!



    1. My dear Andie, Thank you. I am always up until 1 or 2 doing projects or needing to finish a really good book. I find I always regret it in the morning.

  13. Love, love love, your beauty here Victoria.
    You have out done yourself. And how could you not want to walk into your headroom a million times a day, I know I sure would.
    I love Amy's style and her shop when she posts all the divine treasures and goodies and what's next for her. I have to look into her products a bit more, they would would really well on my theatres I create.

    You are everyone's new best friend I am sure with all you create and inspire you are amazing. Your look is so she she inspiring, and I so want to be you, I need a cottage play house in my back yard taking me to Paris apartment style as you have created here. Bravo bravo !!

    See you soon sleeping beauty!


    1. Dore, Thank you!! I love love Paris apartment. I am constantly struggling with wanting an all white neutral look and loving the bright romantic carefree look of Paris apartments. Amy has these beautiful wall art panels that are truly amazing. I think you will love them.

  14. Oh Victoria! Where did you ever get all these stuff. ı'm in-love! :) Absolutely stunning. !!!!!
    *speechless* now. :)

    1. Thank you! Almost everything from my house is from flea markets or yard sales. I think it makes it more fun to search for that next must have piece, don't you think?

  15. Soo amazing. That is the most beautiful bed ive seen so far, bravo. Amy is the inspiration queen

    1. Thank you , Sheila. Amy really is an inspiration and she has been very encouraging too.

  16. it's just fabulous, you did an amazing job!! it hardly resembles the first photo!

    1. Thank you, Debra. This piece took me longer than any other projects. I kept staring it at for days unsure of what color to paint but I am so happy with how it came out.

  17. Little girl, you are amazing! It is absolutely gorgeous!

  18. PS you should consider painting the fabric on your chairs. I know you like to save money and I've seen some amazing transformations with paint and wax to soften it. You should check some out on pinterest and google. Good luck....whatever you do will be amazing!

    1. Thank you, JP. I actually painted my French settee upholstery a couple of months ago. Here is the post if you haven't seen it yet. http://troispetitesfilles.blogspot.com/2014/03/dreaming-in-fairy-tales-french-settee.html
      I have been taking an upholstery class every Saturday and I am hoping to test out on these chairs. We will see how it comes out.

  19. That is stunning! I love the before one too to be honest, but your makeover is incredible. Sublime!

    1. Thank you, Mimi. I love the before too which is why it sat in my kitchen for a week.

  20. This is drop-dead gorgeous. I was impressed with what Amy did with the Efex appliques but this takes the cake. And I agree with Amy; you need a diamond tiara.

    1. Thank you, Maureen. A diamond tiara will last a day in my head. My jewelry and lipsticks keep disappearing and reappearing in the girls' room. Right now the pink velvet chair from my room is constantly missing.

  21. Hi, Victoria, you did a great job:)I went trough your blog, and love so much things...I'm new follower of you, with a big pleasure I'm waiting your next beauties:)

    1. Thank you, Martinel. This is the reason I blog so I can share ideas with other like minded people. I am so happy you enjoyed it!

  22. Good morning, Victoria.

    Another gorgeous post! I too believe that we should surround ourselves with the things we love. It just isn't possible for me to stick with only one decorating style. I love ornate French furniture, rustic handmade pieces, garden and nature finds and fine art all mixed together. Like living in a fairy-tale. :)

    It was so wonderful of Amy to send you all these gorgeous appliqués! I follow her blog and love what she has been creating with them as well.

    Happy Birthday to your sweet Bella! You are creating such a beautiful home for your family. I cannot wait to see your garden as well.

    Big Hugs,

    1. Morning, Lin. I agree with you...I don't really follow one style either. I just like anything that allow me to paint and be creative. Isn't it amazing what appliques can do. Amy has been so kind. I bet you are busy out in your garden. It has been a rainy week here. Hopefully soon, I can put some annuals in.

  23. Came here via Maison Décor. :)
    You have made an incredible transformuation!
    I, too, have been looking for a bed like that. Tough tough tough to find! Do you by any chance know the name of the style? I can't even find that.
    Flea market.
    Note to self: Gotta get out on the weekends more.
    LOVE it.
    I can't imagine waking up in something so lovely.

    1. Christine, this was an incredible lucky find for me. I see them online and they go for hundreds. I don't know the exactly style of the bed but I just call it French. I find that getting to know the owners of the flea markets is really helpful. I saw this bed in their office as I was walking past by and marched right in. It was part of a whole set for a very very decent price but I just wanted the bed. Because I am there every weekend, they pretty much allowed me to name my own price and just take the bed.

  24. [moan of ohhhhh] how lucky! My reuse centers are like that because I stalk them every week. They're good to me. :)
    Well, you are one lucky chicky-doodle. And you certainly made that into a dream bed. You come across another? I'll make the trip, wherever you are!
    Thanks for the reply.

  25. Oh yes yes yes how beautiful!! Dear Dore sent me over.. How inspiring so glad I came for a visit . My blog is neglected but I hope to update soon. Xo Laura

    1. Thank you so much. I adore Dore...and your creations and paintings!

  26. Victoria, I'm loving all the gorgeous projects you are undertaking. I think this one might be my favourite though. Your bed transformation is so beautiful and I love what you did with all the appliques. Your home is turning into the most amazing French abode... well done.
    Thanks for sharing your bed make-over on Shabbilicious Friday. I'm delighted to be featuring it at tomorrow's party.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  27. Hi Victoria,
    I am new to your blog, by way of the Maison Decor blog. This is the most beautiful bed I have ever seen. I have always painted furniture but have been so afraid of applying the dark wax. I love the look of this bed...did you apply the dark wax all over or only on the appliques? Your work is so beautiful...will you provide tutorials??? So glad I found your blog!


    1. Thank you, Laura. I am awful at writing tutorials...probably because my mind is a jumble of ideas and I have no plan or steps that I follow. Just shoot me any questions and I will try my best to explain the process. As for the bed, I gilded the appliques first then wax the whole bed with clear wax except the appliques. Most people use waxing brushes but since I don't have one, I use a cotton cloth to use dark wax. I dot them where I want it then wipe it around until I get the look I want. If you put too much on or if certain spot is too dark then just wipe clear wax on it and wipe it off. Don't be able to try anything new...remember you can always paint over it. I use a lot of dark wax on the appliques. In my opinion, dark wax gives furniture so much life...depth and age. I hope this helps.

  28. Wow, this is ah-mazing! I absolutely adore your blog. Coming back more often ;)

  29. This has to be the most stunning bed makeover out there - absolutely priceless !!!
    Gorgeous job :)

    1. Thank you, Suzan. This is probably one of my favorite projects.

  30. Oh Victoria, your bed is simply stunning! I am so impressed. I've only used appliques a couple of times but these seem to be so much better than the wood and stiff plastic ones I've used. Will have to check it out! Thank you for sharing your loveliness :)

    1. Patricia, I used to use the wood ones too and what a difference. These are really like rubber and you can make them look more three dimensional than say the wood ones that can only be glued on a flat surface.

  31. I saw your feature from the Shabbilicious linky party and just had to stop by and say what an amazing transformation....I love it! Your whole room looks great:-)


    1. Thank you, Kathleen. My room is now my girls' favorite room too and I have a feeling I am getting kicked out of it soon.

  32. Your bed is over he top Gorgeous , I have looked at your post 4 times and over at the blog where you ordered your moldings which are just gorgeous
    You sure are an artist to create this bed , I love it

    1. Thank you so much. It was a fun project. I changed the design about four times but the moldings are so easy to use and the possibilities are endless.

  33. Your bed transformation is absolutely spectacular...Gorgeous!!! I'll pop over and check out the moldings you used thanks for the link. You did an awesome job~~~thanks for sharing! Bonne nuit~~~fais de beaux reves~~~

  34. This is just stunning! You are a girl after my own heart....beautiful blog!

  35. So, so beautiful! LOVE how your bed came out. Those appliques are amazing. I've never used any but love how they look. Did you do gilding wax for the gilding or something different. x

    1. Thank you, Danielle. I now have a million projects in mind with appliques. I use Rub'Buff for all my gilded pieces...just because it is easier for me to get. I should try real gilding wax.

  36. Victoria it's beautiful! I am amazed at your creativity. You are right, a beautiful home can be created on a tight budget. Best wishes in your bedroom transformation.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. My bedroom is coming together...though all my decorations are constantly missing and reappearing in the girls' room.

  37. Wow! What an incredible find and you made it even more beautiful!

  38. oh victoria, those appliques are beyond! what a gorgeous frenchy bed!

    hope you'll stop by the blog for creativity, inspiration and the unexpected soon.


  39. I AM SPEECHLESS! This is one of the most beautiful bed I have ever seen (and living in Rome I see a lot of gorgeous antiques)... perfection. Now, of course, I'm dreaming of trying to do this!

    1. Madaline, Thank you. Your blog is a delicious combination of everything I love.

  40. Well I'd just like to say 'ditto' to all the previous comments!! You have such vision and are such an inspiration... I love everything you do but this bed is truly exquisite! take care, Maryann

  41. Your bed is absolutely stunning - those appliques are fantastic! This sends my imagination soaring! I came byway of Wow Us Wednesday!

    1. Kathy, Thank you so much. Isn't it the best feeling when your imagination runs wild and possibilities are endless?

  42. I just found your blog through WoW Us Wednesday. WoW is the word for sure! your bed is beautiful and what a score.....How happy and thrilled you must be with the outcome.
    I have enjoyed reading your post and have become one of your newest followers.
    I look forward to visiting again.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  43. I just love everything I see that you do! This is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Kassie. I am having so much fun doing all these projects and being able to share it with you ladies.

  44. This is absolutely gorgeous!!! WOW, what a transformation!

    1. Thank you, June. I want to find more beds just so I could do more make overs.

  45. What a stunning makeover Victoria!! Cannot believe it's the same bed! I've used appliques before but need to get done bendable ones!! I have a Victorian mansion bed to makeover and they would be stunning on it!! Thanks for the inspiration :) Oh, and if we could all wake up to champagne and a crown... this world would be a happier place ;)

    1. Cindy, Thank you. I have used all kind of appliques but these ones are the best for anything with curves and for creating details. I can't wait to see your Victorian bed make over!

  46. Absolutely stunning!!!!!! Incredibly talented vision you had!!! I bet this will be next week's feature on MMS...just saying!!!

  47. Replies
    1. Thank you, Nancy. I think every lady deserves to wake up in a fancy bed, no? it should be a law.

  48. You did a great job on the bed, you had vision. I love it also that you show the chairs that are not perfect yet it gives the room a bohemian feeling.

    1. Thank you, Natalie. I truly believe in balance. It wouldn't be me if everything is perfect.

  49. This is an awesome transformation. The bed has a royalty like feel. I love it!!!

    1. Thank you, Trish. It is one of my favorite projects I have done so far.

  50. Victoria, i love the bed!!! beautiful transformation!!

  51. Seriously so beautiful! You are so creative. Such a gorgeous transformation!!!

  52. Here from Better After.... this bed is absolutely beautiful.

  53. This is by far the most beautiful bed I have ever seen in my entire life. What an outstanding job you have made of it. You have turned this bed into something so spectacular. All I can say is WOW!! Other than I wish it was my bed. Your talents are amazing.

  54. Phenomenal project! I'm having fun going back through your archives. So happy to have found you!

  55. Hi Victoria!

    You've been caught having a fabulous furniture makeover! I featured your beautiful bed at this week's Friday Five. It's posted today.

    Stunning work! I'm so excited to share it.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Robin @ Redo It Yourself Inspirations

  56. Hi Victoria, where did you get the appliques? thanks, Kathleen

  57. Beautiful! Where can I purchase the appliques and all that I need to complete the project.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Susie, check out efexusa.com for the appliques and Annie Sloan chalk paint for the paint.

  58. I like your project, although I don't know if anyone caught it, but you totally changed an awesome art deco bed into something else. Sad for me because I love art deco, but amazing work nevertheless. :-)

  59. Was wondering where you purchased the appliques.

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  61. Such beautiful work. Would you mind noting the brand of chalk paint you used and the colors/brand of the gilding paint and wax? Thanks!!!

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    Wishing you all the best on your journey to a cozy and fulfilling life!

  63. I must say, this blog post about creating a dream bed is absolutely charming! The way you've described the process of transforming your bed into a haven of comfort and coziness is truly inspiring. It's amazing how a few thoughtful touches can elevate our daily lives and bring joy to our personal spaces.
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  65. I decided to check out your blog after hearing about it from a friend. Really insightful; I'll go back for more!
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  66. It’s beautiful! Would it be possible to list the appliqués you used on the headboard?
