
Many lives of a little green footboard

One of the greatest things about having a crazy imagination and living as the only grown up in a house is being able to do anything I want.  It is true.  Our house is like a scratch book of an artist who may or may not be just a bit crazy but we love it.  One of my obsessions is French daybeds.  Who doesn't love them?  I have been wanting one for so long but why must they be so expensive? I guess I could save up money and buy myself one...oh you know in about ten years but where is the fun in that?  Do you remember my dream bed?  It all started with my fifty dollars green French bed frame.

The moment I saw this bed, I knew it had so much potentials.  Literally a week after I bought the bed, Amy of Maison Decor introduced me to the most amazing Efex appliques.  I added the appliques with contact cement and painted the frame in a mix of Chalk Paint® in Old White and Paris Grey.  You can read about how I created my dream bed here.  So my little green bed frame became all fancy and turned into this beauty.

I wish our love story ended there but it didn't.  I was told it was a queen size bed frame but in truth, it was a full size.  I cried...like real tears.  So I am keeping the headboard for my bed because I just love it so much.   I decided to turn the foot board into a French daybed.  For months now I have been taking an upholstery class with the most amazing teacher.  The man can do anything.  He said he will help me build anything if I promise him I won't paint any antique furniture.  Hmmm...we will see about that.  So the two of us started working away.  Here is our beauty in every step of her make over.  Get ready for lots of pictures.

Listen, if I can do this, anyone can do it!! Shoot me any questions and I will try my best to answer them.  Are you ready for the final reveal????

I am in love...like seriously in love.  The details make this piece extra special.

It is so amazing to have a vision in my head then to make it happen.  It truly is the best feeling in the whole wide world.  I am really excited about the daybed not just because I created it but because now I finally have enough chairs to replace my old couches.

 I can remember a cold December night three years ago.  It was our first night as the three of us.  Things has been moved out.  Goodbyes were said.  I remembered sitting on our living room floor...watching Bella who was two and a half then playing with six months old Aurora.  They just looked so happy unaware of all the life changes.  I think I wanted to cry then.  I didn't because as usual I didn't allow myself to dwell on my emotions or what ifs and what now.  I was afraid to even think about the unknown because it was too scary for me to even consider. I wrote down a list of everything I was going to do in the house.  It was my goal to create this world for the girls where their imaginations can take center stage.  Damn with all the rules.  This house was going to be our blank canvas and it was going to be limitless.

Replacing the couches was on top of the list.  They were ripped all the way to the wood frame and just plain ugly.  I didn't want to just buy a couch either.  I always knew I wanted to make it myself.  And I did.  Today when I brought the daybed in the house and placed it in the living room, Bella came right over with pillows and started to redecorate the whole living room.  She wanted to make sure one of her paintings will be in the pictures.  : )  After she was satisfied with her work, she sat on the daybed with a smile and said, "This is wonderful, Mommy.  I want to do things just like you.  I think I want to be you when I grow up."  I am not going to lie...the tears that I held onto that cold December night came rushing out like a flood.  I found myself on the floor...sobbing while holding onto my daughter's legs.  It wasn't tears of sadness or lost.  They were tears for the unknown.  The unknown that I was so terrified of that cold December night turned out to be this precise moment.  This moment of pure happiness.  We made it...the three of us.


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  1. Victoria you have a beautiful heart. Love spills out all over...beauty comes forth from the ashes. You have made your dreams come true..for you and your daughters. Keep dreaming and creating a beautiful life.

    Your daybed is glorious...it is your artwork. I only suggest...do not tell...do not share how you did it. It is your artwork. Let us honor you in your talent.

    Sincerely xx

    1. Dear Kerrie, Thank you so much for your inspiring words. I am loving all of your paintings!

  2. Oh, Victoria, I got choked up reading this...what a beautiful post. You should be so proud of what you have accomplished! Of course, the projects you create are always amazing. But what is even more beautiful is the life you have created for yourself and your little girls. They are lucky to have you as their mom :)

    1. Thank you, Julie. We are lucky to have each other. This morning Bella said, "What's next, Mommy? I am ready." Lol.

  3. Gorgeous! I am glad a dream came true for you and the girls are lucky to have you for a mom!

  4. You have done it again!! I am wiping drool off the keyboard.

    1. Thank you, Kim!! I have to admit the daybed is raising my stress level. "Please no chocolate milk on the bed!" "Lets not wipe that green paint on Mommy's white pillow!" Haha

  5. Oh Victoria, you have a beautiful spirit, and your wealth of sharing is amazing, I too give all my art and trade secrets away this is what makes your work and anyone's for that matter that much more respected as a designer.

    I love it..... Forget telling me how to make one, I could figure it out on my own, but then it wood look like my work and not yours, so could you just make me one???? :)
    It's amazing and I truly hope it stays in your home where it belongs with your beautiful style, again you so remind me of a Young Tracy Porter and her designs would mix right in with your vibe, yet I think yours is a bit more captivating to me!

    Your girls must love there home, and about you telling me your home is a bit crowed, well I think it is just right for this look!
    Geeze, I am gushing over here, calling friends of mine and family to go to your site and look at this amazing piece. A shabby euro chic shop around the LA? California area you would not be able to touch your daybed fully dressed for under $3,000 I mean it, you have really teased us with something we all want.... I am on the hunt for a French daybed, but I am sure it won't compare to yours.

    The velvet colour choice is spot on for your home, and mine as well.

    See you soon, I have to leave your site before I am needing a lung transplant for leaving me breathless way to long here :))

    See you soon.


  6. Victoria, I needed to add that indeed you have made it, the three of you indeed.
    And you are going to make many more dreams come true for you and your little artistic family.
    To the moon and back, a journey know one can touch a candle to, and what a beautiful life you have,never look back it's only forward from here on in.

    Next we will be hearing of a furniture design shop you have opened, wouldn't that be special.


    Ps. I too walked in your shoes one cold night and sold it all and change every aspect of who and how I lived to create a new life for my daughter and myself, and now I wouldn't change a thing, much like your free spirit to create what ever and when ever you like I. And out of your home.


  7. Dear Victoria, you are such an inspiration be it for your artwork and for your heart. Wish I could have you and your daughters around!!!
    sending you much blessings your way

    1. Oh, Maria...your garden and home is a dream. Every time I need a boost of happiness, I look at your site.

  8. Victoria, you are an inspiration to all of us. Your creative spirit knows no bounds, and I suspect it is the same with your loving heart. The daybed is beyond gorgeous. You did an awesome job transforming this piece. Amazing!

  9. Your daybed is spectacular...stunning...amazing...
    And what an inspiration and role model you are to your darling little girls! I love how your creativity and love for beautiful things exudes from your heart and soul. Nothing can hold you back!! Such a Lovely post!
    Mary Alice

    1. Thank you, Mary Alice. I like to walk past by it every few minutes. I am making another daybed out of a pair of tete a tete.

  10. Hi Victoria.....just found you from A Stroll Thru Life and am in awe of this beautiful creation! Just stunning! Anyone would love to have this beauty! Looking forward to following along with you....have a lovely sweet evening!

    1. Thank you so much, Debi! I can't wait to make more!

  11. Your daybed is so beautiful Victoria!!! You have, once again, totally outdone yourself. I love all the big and squishy pillows, I'm sure it's a wonderful spot to curl up with your girlies and read:) I lived in So Cal for many years and I absolutely agree with Dore, you would easily pay $1,000's for that in some fancy L.A. or Orange County shop!

    I too was a single mom for many years, it was a very scary time but also a very liberating time. Now that my boys are all grown up, I have a lot of good memories of the time I had with them:) You are creating such a beautiful and loving environment for your girls, they are blessed and lucky to have you! Keep inspiring!

    1. Victoria, we are loving it! I finally had my turn last night after the girls went to bed. I started a book at 9 and finished it at 3. Then fell asleep on the daybed. Hope your summer is going well!

  12. I have tears of happiness for you, Victoria. I too went through a divorce when I was quite young, with two little ones by my side. The POSSIBILITIES in the unknown seemed brighter than staying in an unhappy marriage, so I took that leap of faith. My two babies kept me going with hope and laughter, and it all turned out beautifully.

    I have been waiting in anticipation for the post on your daybed. It's fantastic!!! Your little Bella said it all . You inspire us all.

    Love & hugs,

    1. Thank you so much, Lin. This was a wonderful experience for us...being able to remove all old things from the past and filled the house with things we have created.

  13. Oh my heart broke a tiny bit to see that foot board cut in half, but kudos to you for being brave and having a vision. It is beautiful as a finished day bed, and as someone who can't afford a "real" french day bed or even a knock off, you have inspired me to keep my eyes and heart open to make my own. :)

    I love the couch in the picture is there a way you could reupholster it because you are so awesome at re-upholstery? To bad I am on the other side of the country i would take it off your hands. :)

    Don't you just LOVE being able to do whatever you want it's the best!!!

    I'm so moved by your story and glad when the tears finally came they were GOOD tears!

    1. Thank you so much! I broke my heart a bit too to cut it. The couch in the picture is not the old couch. The old couches were covered in a slipcover and I got rid of them yesterday. I painted that settee in chalk paint but plan to reupholster it once the dogs are house trained. I have great plan for it. : )

  14. Victoria, you are so inspiring. I look forward to each and every one of your posts.

  15. You are creative, innovative, imaginative and strong. You and this upholsterer make a great team. I'd love to see some more projects from the two of you. Go! We're all going to say, "I knew her when..."

    1. Thank you, Teddee. My teacher is ready to retire I think. Every time I start a sentence with "I have this crazy idea..." he rolls his eyes. He did say we would have made a great team when he was drinking. lol

  16. Beautiful post and beautiful piece. You did an amazing job, I am quite jealous! So glad you have found happiness for your family. :)

  17. Victoria, you are an amazing light. So creative and a wonderful writer also! I too raised three children alone, and although scary and lonely at times, it truly shaped me and my children into the strong and incredibly close family that we are today. Continue to live artistically and authentically. Your girls will thank you someday for an amazing childhood! Thank you for letting us follow you on your journey-your life is inspiring! Many blessings, Stephanie

    1. Thank you so much for your inspiring words, Stephanie.

  18. It is all beautiful - that moment, this accomplishment. Patty/NS

    1. Thank you, Patty. Who would have known that unknown could be this wonderful?

  19. Absolutely stunning! You and your girls deserve this beautiful piece. You must be so proud of yourself for showing them how strong you are and able to take good care of them too. Cheryl Ann

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. This is my first piece I ever build so I am quite proud. Now the girls are all about wanting to build their own furniture too.

  20. Simply incredible! What an achievement~it took time and skill and many days to complete this makeover. That is a testament to you and your vision. I often look to the quick makeovers for the instant gratification, but when I take the time to do a longer project its soooo satisfying to get to the end and share it on my blog it feels great. All that upholstery work!! Woah....and the idea of creating this beautiful day bed...years from now the girls will be women and they will have to share ownership of this bed you know. Your Bella is adorable and I am so happy I got to spend the afternoon with you and the girls and see how sweet you all are. A happy mom is the best mom, and you are creating such a source of strength for them to draw on Victoria. So keep on with your fantastical home you are making, its wonderful to be on the outside and get to peek in. xo

    1. Oh Amy, Thank you so much for your sweet words. This definitely was a huge project but I love big grand projects! : ) We had so much fun visiting you and can't wait to come back! Oh and no one is taking this daybed with them when they move out!

  21. Victoria, I am always in awe of all your amazing projects. Your day bed looks so beautiful with your Art, like they were just meant to be together.

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

    1. Don't they, Mary?? I always had this vision of a huge painting and a daybed. So happy it is finally happening! I want to start adding sculpture pieces into the decor.

  22. Oh my word, this is amazing. Such a gorgeous settee. I love it. Fabulous transformation. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  23. Victoria,
    I am visiting you for the first time by way of Lin's blog. I have just spent some time reading through your posts and I am so in awe of your spirit and grace. Your daughters are absolutely beautiful and I am sure they inspire your magical creativity. I too found myself with a young son in a divorce that took much getting over, to learn to trust once again, to be willing to love once again. I did and have been married to my soulmate for 36 years. Victoria you are amazing and have such a beautiful gentleness. You and your daughters are building a soulful life where you will gain inner strength and be blessed by love.

    Your amazing talent and creativity and time spent building your daybed leaves me in awe. Many people dream of living a fairytale life, you are creating one for yourself and your daughters, you are accomplishing a model of what a modern day family should be.

    The painting ... Oh my it is perfect and I love the story behind it. All your choices on the day bed turned into magical perfection, enjoy all your efforts, you inspire.

    1. Vera, I am forever amazed and inspired by strong women like you. Thank you for your sweet words. The painting is my favorite part of the house. The moment I saw it I knew I will never find another one like it.

  24. Love the daybed! Except for the sharp corners on top? Seems rounding them a bit would have been more in keeping with the whole feel. Beautiful nonetheless!


    1. Thank you, Jean. I did think about rounding the corner but didn't have the right tool to do it. I need to start collecting a lot more tools.

  25. Your journey is surely a wondrous one Victoria... 3 little ladies creating a beautiful home filled with love and gorgeous memories. Your daybed is spectacular and a project you should be very proud of.

    1. Thank you so much, Kerryanne! I can't wait to make more furniture!

  26. I am in complete and utter awe of your abilities. The daybed is just gorgeous! You are so talented

  27. Victoria, your daybed is beyond beautiful, it pales only in comparison to the story you shared. Your creativity and drive are awe inspiring. I hope you continue to break the rules and push the boundaries,
    we are with you all the way! The piece is just fabulous.
    Big hugs,

    1. Dear Patti, Thank you so much for such sweet words. It is so amazing to have great blogger friends who are so inspiring and encouraging like you.

  28. Found you through MMS. This may be the most beautiful repurpose I have ever seen! It is beyond fabulous and your story is just a beautiful!

    1. Hi Pat, I am so happy you found me! Thank you.

  29. wow, welche umwandlung der möbel, soooo schön!!! alles liebe von angie aus deutschland

  30. WOW!!!!! That is absolutely stunning!! What an incredible transformation.

    1. Thank you, Deana! I already have plans for another day bed. This is addicting!

  31. Stunning makeover, i would love to feature it, if that would be ok please let me know

  32. Beautiful job Victoria!
    I LUV to cut up and re-build furniture too--it's one of my most favorite things to re-invent old furniture!
    *Found you through MMS--

    1. Thank you, Catherine. I too love to re build and re imagine furniture! It is funny. I got an email from someone asking why I would ever cut up a perfectly fine piece of footboard. My answer was I don't know why you wouldn't imagine so many other possibilities from a simple footboard.

  33. That is the most amazing transformation I think I've ever seen. It turned out so beautiful!

  34. Victoria I just found your wonderful blog! The text of this post reminds me of a single night in my life years ago. How it was different: It was summer and I made a game of sleeping bags in the floor of our new apartment. How it was the same: everything else. Okay so you are awesome about this footboard/daybed conversion. WOW! I am pushing my chair back from the table, standing up, slow clap, that's right an Internet Standing Ovation!

    1. Michelle, isn't it amazing how the past sometimes seem like just a distant dream? Thank you so much and I am so happy you found my blog!

  35. Hi there Victoria, I have seen a few of your furniture makeovers now and they are unbelievable! You really have a talent of giving pieces new life. I love it!
    Sally @cottagefix

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Sally. I am constantly inspired by talented women like you ladies.

  36. This is definitely one of the best furniture makeovers I have ever seen...this piece is magnificent. A piece that looks like it belongs in a centuries old manoir!!!...Truly enjoyed seeing the process that led this piece to a incredible beauty!

    1. Thank you, Shirley. I can't wait to dream up more projects!

  37. First of all - what a beautiful beautiful post - what an incredible Mom you are Victoria and secondly that's the most amazing day bed I've ever seen - you, my dear, are a complete genius!
    Lucky girls to have you in their lives.

    1. Thank you, Suzan. It is fun to see them with their princess outfits and pretending the daybed is their princess castle.

  38. This is such a beautiful post and I can tell by reading it how much you love your girls . . . what a sweet story you have shared with us! And you are one talented lady! This bed is amazing, and your whole room is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much, Melanie. I am in love with the dresser you just did. It is so beautiful.

  39. Lovely job! Kudos on taking the upholstery class...and being the mom your girls want to emulate. :) Sounds like a win/win to me...another single mom. :)

  40. Thank you Victoria...I forgot to tell you how much I love your watermark. Its beautiful! xx

  41. Oh so beautiful, both the love seat and the story behind it. Blessings to you and your two girls.

  42. Thank you Victoria, for taking the time to visit me, I so enjoy your emails and with all the support you have had in creating this little world for your girls and yourself, it's support that you really never needed. You are a brave soul and with that being said you are challenging yourself in so many ways imaginable and what's to come of your challenges is nothing short of amazing.
    Thank you for the comment on my daughter room, she absolutely loves your new old daybed. Don't ever get rid of it unless it's going to me! I have made garden benches befor for my garden and porches, but now you have me wanting to create a daybed? .... Will see if that ever happens. Yet you have inspired me to go and brush up on my upholstery, so I just might take another class. I am working on a slip cover right now!

    What are you going to do next ??
    I am sure we are all waiting in the wings holding our breath for something beautiful be it a can design, painting, gardening, or another mirror, you Victoria have a life created, and it's a beautiful one.


  43. Oh Victoria - what a beautiful home you have and I think the day bed is fantastic. I am off to read lots more of your blog. so glad I found you. well done on all fronts
    Fiona xx

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