So today was the day. The Big Day. Jess's Bridal Shower. As I am writing this post, I am running on three hours of sleep. As usual, I started preparing for the shower at eight o'clock the night before. I was an absolute mess...completely my own fault since I do everything last minute. As I was bossing around and yelling out random things, B said, "You can't expect amazing things if you do things last minute." I just looked at him and said, "Oh No, my friend, you don't know me at all." It seemed it was the exact fuel I needed to get my butt moving and boy, it did. I was up until three in the morning, glittering cups and utensils and pipping butter cream roses on cupcakes. By the last cupcakes, I could no longer move my hand. The end result? It came out pretty amazing if I say so myself. So Suck it, B.

Pink and gold were the colors for the shower. One of the main things I really wanted was for all the ladies to feel extra special and pampered. Of course that means walking around the party with a pink champagne in hand. I hand brushed the gold glitter on champagne flutes. It made the plastic flutes look more luxe. B actually did the chalkboard signs. He did an amazing job.
The first thing I thought about when Jess asked me to host her shower was the dessert table. We both love desserts. I wanted it to look like a flower garden. I ordered the pastries from our local bakery. They are out of this world amazing. I baked the cupcakes.
One of my favorite thing to do is decorate cupcakes. It is like sculpting with yummy butter cream.
Of course you can't have a party without amazing food.
I was half asleep painting gold on these little forks. They came out so good.
How gorgeous is this cart? I got it from Homegoods. Obsessed!
Jess told me she didn't want to play any games during the shower. So I had to find ways to entertain the guests. Here is a little Polaroid station for the ladies to put on vintage hats and pose away.
The biggest hit of the party was my flower crowns station. I can't believe I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it. I put my vanity in the living room with buckets full of flower and let the ladies make their own flower crowns. We all had so much fun! Here is my good friend, Vennessa, loving her flower crown.
What a beautiful day for my beautiful friend. I am truly grateful to have you in my life. It was a day full of love and laughter and friends.
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