

Vintage Books archway

I think by now you probably are noticing that my imagination is pretty wild.  I am also lucky enough to be able to freely express myself as an artist.  I got nobody to tell me No.  : ) It is just the girls and I and they think what I do is pretty swell.  This is one of my favorite projects of all time.  One because I love books and it is inspired by one of my favorite books and two, it has a lot of sentimental meanings.

My favorite book of all time is called The Shadow of the wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.  In the book, there is this secret Cemetery of Forgotten Books where old and forgotten titles are lovingly preserved.  As an avid reader and lover of books, this strike a cord with me.  I imagined this vast secret library filled with layer and layer of old dusty books.  So I decided I needed my own dusty book archway.

It took me a few sleepless nights to figure out how to do this.  First I thought maybe I will build a bookcase around the doorway but it would be an accident waiting to happen.  Then I realized I have a bunch of book binders left over from my vintage book wallpaper project.  But there was no way it was going to be enough.  I needed so much more.

This is the sentimental part.  The day I decided to do this project was the day I signed my divorce paper.  It is funny because my friends say I never stop and my therapist will probably say it is because I don't have to deal with reality but for me, creating is the only way I know how to survive.  And survive I did.  I went with my grandmother to the court and after everything was done, she asked what would I like to do.  I told her, I needed to go to a flea market and get 100 books. Knowing me pretty well, she just said OK.  That night after the girls went to bed, we spent all night ripping the covers off.  I know...I know it broke my heart too but the end result was worth it.

I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea.  Normally I love anything Shabby French Cottage with a bit of glamour thrown in there.  This was more artsy part of me.

My very own secret Cemetery of Forgotten Books.  All dusty but forever adored.


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  1. si!!! el resultado final valió la pena ! felicitaciones .

  2. Wow. You are one creative chick. When I first saw it I thought you had actually painted the arch of books. Nice job.

    1. Thank you, Maureen. Can you imagine hand painting each book? Now that you mentioned, yes I can. Hmm....

  3. I first thought it was painted too! You are one do the most creative people I have found on the blogs. I do understand how you work. sometimes the most creative expressions are born of pain and hardship.

  4. This is extraordinary. I love it and I admire your spunk. I don't know how you did it after the divorce but you seem to have a zest for living on your own terms. I'm enjoying getting to know you. Stop by sometime!


  5. It's gorgeous. And the story of how you created it with your grandmother's help makes it even better.

    This post got me to thinking. I do artsy stuff in our tiny cottage, and although my husband doesn't always 'get it', he does understand that it makes me happy - and that makes him happy. Your grandmother is like this too. She supported & helped you without any question.

    It's lovely.

  6. This is absolutely fantastic! Did you whitewash over the book covers? You are so creative, you don't need anything or anyone else, but it's wonderful you have such a supportive grandmother and such darling daughters. If you don't have an Etsy shop, you need to start one!

    1. Thank you! I did whitewash the book covers. It was a bit too masculine without it. And I really wanted them to look worn out and dusty.

  7. I too am divorced, and I loved that you use your art to survive, I too sunk deeply into creating night and day, yet being a designer creating is just in me. I understand survival mode when creating is the glue that holds you together, it was my glue as well.

    I create so much with a medium as you, and I so get you.
    It's so interesting here and will be back soon for more of what inspires you.

    Stay strong, and I know you have heard this enough, but I am a strong believer that beauty comes from adversity and doors will open wide open for someone as creative as you

    Visit soon, I am going back again to checkout your work and older postings this is my second time visit and many to come.


  8. Oh my word, this is so fun and so creative I love it. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  9. This is creative! I really have enjoyed your blog and hope you post many more inspirational ideas for those of us who live with "creative block".

  10. WOW this is gorgeous and the story even more beautiful! I shared it on my FB page, it wouldn't allow me to tag you though. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I think you are a genius. Genius artist girl!! I ADORE this idea~when I first saw it I thought it was an inspirational image you found on pinterest, but NO! Its YOUR creation!! I am hooked on your blog...first one I have found in forever that has me excited to see what you will be doing next. I added you to my blog roll so I can try to keep up.

  12. You are one of the most amazing women I have ever encountered, and I spend a lot of time in blog land observing what all kinds of amazing women are up to. My hat is off to you.

  13. I want to do this, did you attach them to cardboard?

    1. Hey Mechelle, I hot glued them all individually onto the frame. It probably isn't the smartest way to put them on. : ) You could cut up cardboard the shape you want then use little decorative nails to nail it on the wall then hot glue book binders onto the cardboard. That way if you ever want to change it, all you have to do is pull the cardboard off the wall.

  14. Very creative! I like it, Victoria. I'm sorry about your divorce, but you seem to have control of your life.

  15. The Shadow of the of my favorites also!
    I have a room divider with faux book spines on it. I keep meaning to cover them with actual book spines. Someday!
