
A Vibrant Dresser for Spring

What does it mean to live in a romantic and feminine home?  What is romance really?  I feel like I should know the definition of it but when I try to type it out, I can't.  Because to me, romance is a feeling.  It is an emotion that stir from deep inside of me.  Romance is love.  Romance is surrounding myself with things that make me fall in love with life all over again.  Creating a feminine home is to appreciate and cherish everything about a woman.  I love women.  Ok, that statement sounds a bit wrong when I type it out but I do.  I have always been a girlfriend type of a gal.  I love my girlfriends.  I always get confused when I hear other women say they don't have a lot of girlfriends or don't like to be around other women. I love being a woman and all the qualities that we encompass.  I am forever amazed and inspired by the strength and empathy and giving nature of women.  Just like me, my house is unapologetically  and wholeheartedly feminine. Recently I brought home Romantic Style by Selina Lake.  The girls and I practically live at the library. I rarely buy books but I utterly and hopelessly fell in love with this picture from the book.  I am sure it was me and everyone else who has read the book. So it came home.

Ahhh...that dresser.  I can't stand how beautiful it is.  I love how vibrant and girly it is.  The funny thing is I don't even like color.  My whole closet is black or gray.  My house is pretty much a gilded monotone.  But this...oh this...I have to have.  I have an old and beat up dresser in my workroom that needed serious TLC.  What's better to transform into a beauty than a tired and sad little dresser.

I knew that if I was going to paint a bright color, it was going to have to be heavily distressed...detailed...but faded.

 I did a coat of Annie Sloan chalk paint® in Old White then a coat of gold glaze followed by Annie Sloan chalk paint® in Florence.  I love it when layers of paint are blended together.  It must be the painter in me.

I put it in a little neglected corner of our living room.  Now it is the first thing I see when I walk into the room.  I love pieces that command your attention.  From afar I am attracted to its beautiful color but its faded charm and details call out to me for a closer look.  And I might as well enjoy the beautiful blooms and might even be tempted to smell the flowers.  For that few minutes, my mind is in the present moment...it is not traveling back to things I cannot change or wondering forward to moments I cannot predict.  That is the most peaceful gift I can give to myself.

I hope your day will be as vibrant as you are.


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  1. Another great makeover! I love it.

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

  2. Beautiful--I love the gold and the vibrant color!

  3. Oh Victoria, this is so gorgeous and yummy!!! I love the faded tones and the beautiful detailing you added.
    And I agree, women need other women friends!
    Mary Alice

  4. That is beautiful! I stand in awe of your talent and vision. Your blog has fast become my favorite. Thank you for being beautiful and inspiring and sharing it with us!

    1. Thank you! Thank you for your sweet words. Blogging wouldn't be as fun if I weren't able to share my ideas with other like minded people.

  5. it is stunning! I have loved the Florence color but have learned that my sea cottage sanctuary only feels calm with all whites, naturals and greys. I try color and it just doesn't last. Even my artwork is a pale, faded patina. I also love your writing...I too love being a girl...a girlie girl. But I do not have a lot of girlfriends nearby. All my friends have moved away over the years. I do not have a job outside of the home to make friends. It seems to be more difficult to make friends nowadays. My grown children only have a few too. But I have always told them that all you need is one good, true friend. You are lucky to have so many! Have a beautiful weekend. xxo

    1. Thank you , Kerri. I feel the same way about color. This is a big step for me and we will see how long it will last. I love all your paintings. I am learning to paint roses and it is hard! I always say that meeting new friends is like dating. I come from a huge family of women and I think that's why I feel the most comfortable around women. You are so right about having one true friend. They are rare but for life.

  6. Holy heck Victoria...your dresser is FAR lovelier than the one at the top! Much more natural and shabby looking! Just love it:)

    I had lots of GF's in my 20's and 30's but now, in my 40's, not so much but that's okay! Life has its seasons and each one is good:)

    1. Thank you, Victoria. You are so right about life having its seasons. I cherish each one.

  7. Just GORGEOUS - wow - I have to pin this one - you're incredible!
    Visiting from French Country Cottage

    1. Suzan, Thank you! I am loving your blog too!

  8. Oh my AWESOME! Popped in from MMS and so happy I did. Your dresser is like a work of art. Gorgeous.
    Cheers from Fresh Idea Studio

    1. Thank you so much, Therese. How fitting that you just wrote a post about bring in color for the spring and I just painted my very first vibrant furniture.

  9. As usual, just beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Maureen. Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather.

  10. Stopping by from MMS...your dresser is AMAZING! I love how worn it is and your color selection is perfect. Great job!

  11. I love this so much...it's the perfect colour, the perfect shape, the perfect makeover. Adore!

  12. This is absolutely stunning!!! It jumped off the page browsing through Furniture Friday, I'm going to predict this is going to be featured next week! Well done, it's soooooo pretty!

  13. This is just lovely, Victoria!! You really know your way with paint, I love it!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you make the cake. And please share pictures of your garden!


  14. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Denise. I hope your day is as wonderful as you are.

  15. It looks beautiful! I love the distressed color with gold swirls. Thanks for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


  16. Gorgeous finish! Need to find a piece to do something similar :) Thanks for inspiration.

  17. So pretty. I love the warmth of the gold.

  18. It's gorgeous, Victoria. And I do love that first photo from Selina Lake's book as well. How I envy your ability to go completely feminine and romantic with your decor!

  19. Love love love this piece! You have inspired me to do one of my own that I've had forever and wasn't sure what color to go with. Thanks for sharing!

  20. I have that book too, and wrote a blog post just about this inspiration photo about a year ago myself. I adored the entire vibe of the photo~your dresser captures the essence of the photo Victoria!

  21. Yes! Now it has a soul...a history...the vignette is what dreams are made of...



  22. You've done it again! Beautiful!! Thank you for sharing. You are one of the features at the Round-Up from the Before & After party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link so you can check out your feature. http://www.thededicatedhouse.com/2014/04/the-round-up-from-before-and-after_15.html Hope to see you again at the next party. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  23. I love how you described your "gilded monotone" house, because mine is exactly like that too ;) But this makeover you did to the dresser is absolutely stunning! So glad i stumbled onto your post and your site.

    1. Thank you, Julie. I am just starting to use a bit of color now...I figure it is summer time.

  24. This is just beautiful! Looks like it was found in an old french estate- so glad I fund your site - now following to see more!

  25. Oh Victoria , I must hunt this book down.
    As for your. Best of colour it is magnificent, I love the outcome and he gold mirror the vignette of softness in bottles and roses add a beat to my heart.
    I could add this very piece and all it's accessories along with it. Thank you for loving and showing love for my wire work and Easter egg wire basket.

    I am now spring cleaning my white floors and the pieces that need to be brought out center staging for summer.
    Come visit my room of whites, I truly am being nudged in a direction of something along the line of your distressed colour.
    Perhaps on a rug, or a small box or chest.

    Than, you for the beautiful inspiration.....could you not see his bright chest in a bathroom with the sink built into the top linens and your bottles off to the side and that mirror center stage to gaze into.
    Hmmmmm! I am inspired and I may give this some thought, even if I tone down a bit the colour :)

    Happy Easter.


  26. Victoria, I for got to mention the first picture reminds me of my French chest in my post, where I stripped off the apple green finish and gave it a natural aged and French weathered look, you will find it in my post.

  27. I really like your blog.. very nice colors & theme.

  28. I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to know where u got this from. thanks
